🌿✨香脆莲藕的做法 | 一口酥脆,满嘴清香✨🌿

美食 2025-03-13 22:27:42
导读 秋天是莲藕最肥美的季节,今天教大家做一道简单又美味的香脆莲藕!😋第一步:准备新鲜莲藕一节,洗净后切成薄片,用清水浸泡防止氧化变色。...
2025-03-13 22:27:42

秋天是莲藕最肥美的季节,今天教大家做一道简单又美味的香脆莲藕!😋第一步:准备新鲜莲藕一节,洗净后切成薄片,用清水浸泡防止氧化变色。记得削去外皮哦~ Peel and slice the lotus root into thin pieces, then soak them in water to keep their fresh white color.

第二步:调制面糊。将面粉、淀粉和少许盐混合,加入适量水搅拌成稠稀适中的面糊。接着把莲藕片裹上面糊,确保每片都均匀挂浆。Mix flour, starch and a pinch of salt, then dip the lotus root slices into the batter until fully coated.

第三步:热油炸制。锅中倒入足量食用油,烧至五成热时下入莲藕片,小火慢炸至金黄酥脆即可捞出沥油。最后撒上一点椒盐或辣椒粉提味,一盘香喷喷的香脆莲藕就完成啦!Heat oil and fry the coated slices until golden brown, crispy and delicious. 🍲🔥

