2025-03-15 11:06:10
导读 秋天干燥,嗓子不舒服?来试试这道润喉化痰的好物——冰糖柚子皮!🍊 Peel the skin of a fresh柚子, and make sure its clean....
秋天干燥,嗓子不舒服?来试试这道润喉化痰的好物——冰糖柚子皮!🍊 Peel the skin of a fresh柚子, and make sure it's clean. Then cut the peel into thin strips. 🥣 Place them in a pot with some water, boil for about 10 minutes to remove bitterness. Drain the water and rinse the strips. 🍯 Add new water, a few pieces of冰糖, and simmer slowly until the strips become translucent. Finally, transfer to a jar and store in the fridge! 🥤每天喝上一杯,不仅清甜可口,还能有效缓解喉咙不适。不仅适合秋冬季节,平时嗓子干痒也能派上用场哦!🌟
健康食谱 秋冬必备 润喉神器 养生小妙招