schemers scheme

生活知识 2023-10-28 12:22:05
导读 大家好,我是小典,我来为大家解答以上问题。schemers,scheme,很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、展开全部2、scheme 3、
2023-10-28 12:22:05




3、/ ski??m; skim/ n

4、 ~ (for sth/to do sth) (a) plan for doing or organizing sth 计画; 方案: a scheme for manufacturing paper from straw 用麦秆造纸的计画 * an imaginative scheme to raise money 富创意的筹款方案 * a pension scheme 养老金方案. (b) secret or devious plan 阴谋; 诡计: a scheme for not paying tax 逃税的诡计.

5、 ordered system; arrangement 组合; 配合: a `colour scheme, eg for a room, so that the colours in its decor match 色彩的调配.

6、 (idm 习语) the `scheme of things the way things are or are planned 事物的规律; 安排: In the scheme of things it is hard for small businesses to succeed. 一般来说, 小本生意较难做.

7、> scheme v

8、1 [I, Ipr, It] ~ (for sth/against sb) make (esp secret or devious) plans 策画; 图谋: rebels scheming for the overthrow of the leadership 图谋推翻领导的叛乱者 * They are scheming to get her elected as leader. 他们正策画让她当选领导.

9、2 [Tn] plan (sth) in a devious way 策画(某事): Her enemies are scheming her downfall. 她的对头正在策画把她搞垮. schemer n person who schemes in a devious way 策画阴谋诡计的人. scheming adj often making devious schemes 常搞阴谋诡计的: scheming rivals 诡计多端的竞争对手.

