机器人三原则的提出者是谁? 机器人三原则

生活知识 2024-09-30 17:15:11
导读 大家好,我是小典,我来为大家解答以上问题。机器人三原则的提出者是谁?,机器人三原则,很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!阿西莫...
2024-09-30 17:15:11


阿西莫夫提出的机器人3大原则 1. cannot under any circumstance harm another human being. must provide help for humans in dire needs 2. cannot disobey a direct human order as long as it is not in violation of law 3. protect its own existance as long as it does not violate law 1 and 2 1.机器人绝不能伤害任何人。

2.在不违反第一条的情况下,不得违抗人的命令 3.在不违反一二条定律的情况下,可以进行自卫。

